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Irc Introduces An Interim Measure Allowing Some Foreign Nationals To Gain Canadian Citizenship Faster

Historically, the ability of Canadian citizens to pass citizenship to their children when the child was born abroad was limited to the first generation. This means that if a Canadian born abroad themselves had a child abroad, that child would not automatically be able to claim Canadian citizenship through their parents.

This rule, commonly known as the first generation limit (FGL), could be adjusted by the Canadian government to now include a second generation limit if Bill C-71 can obtain royal assent. This means that in the future (if changes to the Canadian Citizenship Act are made and come into force), more foreign nationals who fit the above scenario will be eligible for Canadian citizenship. On June 19, 2024, a date set by the Supreme Court of Canada in Ontario, Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) is expected to announce permanent changes to the FGL rules.

In anticipation of these upcoming changes, the IRCC has already introduced new temporary measures to allow some foreign nationals to obtain citizenship. Click here to find out more about who the FGL rule applies to.

What are IRCC’s new interim measures?

The new IRCC measure applies to those who submitted it. Proof of citizenship In urgent care and may be affected by FGL due to origin. Specifically, it is used in one of the following scenarios:

  • Scenario 1: An applicant has submitted an application for citizenship subject to an amendment to the FGL rules and has requested urgent processing under the criteria for urgent processing; or
  • Second scenario: The applicant has evidence of the application process, and the IRCC has determined that the application is affected by the FGL rule. The application was previously prioritized before the new rules came into effect, but the applicant has since requested urgent processing.

In either case, IRCC will respond and review the request while verifying the applicant’s eligibility for expedited processing.

If the applicant is eligible, they will receive notification from IRCC that the FGL rule is still met. The department will also allow eligible applicants to request “discretionary approval of citizenship”* with relevant information on how to apply for this grant.

If an applicant decides to apply for this grant, their application will be processed by the Minister for Immigration or an authorized decision-maker. If the application meets the necessary criteria, applicants can be granted citizenship.

The Minister of Immigration has the power under Canadian law to grant citizenship in individual or exceptional circumstances.

Who is eligible for urgent processing?

IRCC allows three groups of citizenship certificates (a key document to prove Canadian citizenship). Applicants must apply for expedited processing.

To qualify for expedited citizenship processing, applicants must demonstrate that they need expedited processing for one of the following three reasons:

  • The applicant needs access to benefits, including but not limited to: pension, health care, or their social security number (SIN).
  • The applicant must prove that he is a Canadian citizen in order to be employed.
  • The applicant must travel to Canada due to death or serious illness in his or her family.

Using: IRCC clarifies that the Department cannot guarantee that applicants will receive citizenship on time, even if they qualify for expedited processing.

What must I include in my request for urgent citizenship certificate processing?

Including the following documents in their application will help IRCC confirm that the applicant is eligible for expedited processing under one of the three conditions listed above.

  • Letter of explanation
  • supporting documents*

Examples of supporting documents include an airline ticket or itinerary (proof of payment), a letter from the applicant’s employer or school, a medical certificate, or a death certificate.

Applying for urgent citizenship certificate processing

Those eligible for urgent citizenship processing can apply online, if they qualify, or on paper.

However, the IRCC warns applicants to avoid repeating requests for urgent treatment. For example, IRCC says applicants who submit a paper application for expedited processing and then apply online for the same application will not have their online application reviewed by the department.

If I’ve lost my citizenship certificate, what other documents can I use as proof of status?

In cases where a Canadian citizen loses their citizenship card (or it is stolen), they can apply for a new certificate from the IRCC.

Those who do not wish (or are unable) to reapply for confirmation can use other documents to prove their Canadian citizenship.

Valid citizenship documents

In addition to citizenship certificates, IRCC has identified the following valid Canadian citizenship documents:

  • Citizenship documents
  • Some Canadian birth certificates (see This is a government website for exceptions)
  • Naturalization certificates (if the certificate was issued before January 1, 1947)
  • Import of foreign birth certificates and detention certificates (if the certificate was, in any case, issued between January 1, 1947, and February 14, 1977)

Citizenship documents are invalid.

For its part, the department notes that the following three types of documents are not valid to prove Canadian citizenship:

  • Citizenship record (for those applying for citizenship)
  • Commemorative certificates (souvenirs given to applicants for citizenship together with the certificate of citizenship)
  • Some Canadian birth certificates (see This is a government website for restrictions)

Using: IRCC also notes that the Department of National Defense (DND) birth certificate 419 is not a valid proof of citizenship.

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